Things That I Learned Late In Life

I don't know about others, but these are things that I have learnt a little late, and I wish I knew these things in my teenage only :
  • More than relatives, invest yourself in your neighborhood. Neighbors are the people who will always reach you faster than your relatives. In most cases, relatives won't even want to visit you in bad situations.
  • Best friends should be less than five. Friends should be less than twenty. “Contacts” and “sources” should be numerous.
  • Family- Parents, siblings, spouse, children are the only people who stay by your side when everyone else looks away. At least most of the times. Especially parents.
  • Never judge a person by looks, money, degree or anything. Always by his/her character.
  • Most people come and go out of your life. Never stop your life by waiting for them to return. Move on your own path.
  • Your relationship with your partner is as good as the effort you put into it. Do your part. If they're not doing their part then communicate it to them. Still if nothing changes, leave them and move on.
  • Leave people who brings negativity more than positivity in your life. No matter how “best friends” or “important” they're to you. It's better to feel bad for a year than feeling negative around them for the rest of your life.
  • You cannot “make” someone love you.
  • Emotions are the most powerful aspect of a human. Your control on your emotions can decide whether you'll become a criminal or a saint. If one cannot control lust, one becomes a sexual predator. If one can control anger, they become patient.
  • Emotions can destroy your life or make your life. I wasted one year of my life in failing at everything because of my lack of control on my emotions.
  • Don't give anyone else any power to rule on your emotions. The more power someone has on your emotions, the more slave you become to them.
  • Negative emotions are as normal as positive ones. All the difference is in how you tackle them.
  • Love can surely happen once, twice. Maximum thrice. But if love is happening again and again and again to you, it's not love, it's a government policy. Fake promises, late, lower than expected, corrupt, and only you think it's perfect, rest everyone knows the reality.
  • Before saying “I love you” to someone, please think from which body part this “I love you” is coming.
  • Loving someone doesn't mean you stop loving yourself.
  • Love is not hard. Keeping that love safe from life is hard. Life tries fully to murder your love.
  • If you're too sad with your partner most of the time, you're with wrong person. If you're too happy with your partner most of the time, you're with wrong person. If you're content with your partner most of the time, you've found your person.
  • Time is not money. Time is you. The way you choose to invest your time speak volumes about you. If someone ask me what I was doing yesterday, I would say I was busy in writing meaningful content for thousands of people to help them in making their life better. If someone ask this question to someone else, maybe his/her answer would be he/she was busy in writing abusive comments somewhere, or murdering someone. So how we invest our time show who are we. Time is reflection of us.
  • The world revolves around money. Everything comes down at it. Even if you have the best charactered people in your life, you need money to sustain life.
  • When you need money, even the bestest of people turn around.
  • If you'll do more charity than required and feel like King Harishchandra with a big heart, always remember your karma is not an acceptable mode of payment in schools, grocery stores and hospitals in this materialistic world.
  • Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Invest your money by doing portfolio management. Invest in three places : No risk investments, low risk investments, high risk investments. No and low risk investments will ensure your security, and high risk investments will give you growth.
  • If you want stability with little growth, job is great. But if you really want to do something big, taking risk is the only option.
  • Whatever you chose at 18, there are high chances that you dislike it when you're 28. So if you want to change your field, it's better to change and face few years of down time than leading a sad life for next 50–60 years.
  • No one is going to give any motivation to you. The only motivation that will make you do wonders comes only from within and not from some YouTube videos. Those videos are utmost inspiration or examples, definitely not motivatory.
  • No matter what you do, you'll always have someone who'll instruct you how to do things. Everyone is a slave in some way.
  • Don't look for happiness in your career. Career isn't designed to make you happy. We have entertainment mediums for that. Career can utmost be satisfaction giver. So if you think that by leaving your current job you can find something else that can make you “happy”, automatically it slips from the career place and falls down in entertainment department. So ask yourself if you're looking for career or entertainment.
  • There is money in your career and career in your money.
  • If you're 18–25, decide what kind of marriage do you want beforehand. If you want a love marriage, it better that you start looking for a serious partner, and if you want an arranged marriage, it's better to focus on your studies and career.
  • If you don't trust your parents choice, if you feel that the kind of spouse your parents want for you doesn't fit in the expectations you have from your spouse, it's better to take charge of your own life. They have done a lot for us, but throwing all our life away to make them happy by marrying according to them and killing our desires is a form of suicide.
  • Again, money and looks should never be the parameters for decided partner. They're goodies, additional points, extra marks for good handwriting kind of point. Just like a student clears an exam for the content of his answers and not handwriting, same way partner should be chose only because of content.
  • It's useless to stay in a bad marriage where you're miserable. Many people stay in bad marriages because of kids. I say such people should come out of bad marriages for the betterment of their kids as soon as possible. It's better to remain hungry for a little longer than drinking poison to fill your stomach.
  • Life is never going to be easy and sorted out. Life isn't going to be fair from birth to death. Struggle only ends with life.
  • Comparing your life to other's is as childish as comparing one color to another. Each is different and unique with a different purpose.
  • Life is not defined by the situations. Life is defined by the way we react to those situations. That's why emotional control is so important.
  • Your life is only a reflection of what you did in past or are choosing to do in present. I see many people saying “I'm miserable because so and so did this and this to me.” Well if you have given so much power of YOUR life to SOMEONE ELSE that they can actually destroy you entirely, then who's fault is it?
  • The more power, responsibility, accountability and answerability you take towards your life, the better it become. Do you have the courage to say “I have the audacity to take all the liability of all my actions upon me, even my failures. I and I only is responsible for whatever is happening in my life and I won't look for excuses or someone else to blame my failures on.”
  • If you're expecting your life to go according to your convenience, your whims and fancies, stop blaming life and kindly change your expectations.


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