Be Their Underlying Power!!
Sometimes, the people you love, love you back.And sometimes, the people you love, love you back, but they love some other things too.Things, which could possibly be their dreams, their aims, their passions. And , sometimes to achieve them, they probably have to choose between you and their dreams.If they choose you, you become happy.To some extent, even they do.But after a while, they miss their goal.And they miss it so terribly, that they could even start blaming you as the reason for their non-compliance with their wants.And then things start falling apart.No one wants to be with someone they've tagged as their symbol of failure. On the other facet of the coin, if they instantly choose what they want to achieve over you, sadness is an immediate result. You both love each other, and that's true. Love for a passion cannot destroy love for someone.So even in this scenario, things are falling apart, because success that is achieved by paying your relationship as a price is prob...