Take Your Heart With You..!!

Many a times,in our respective lives,each of us face the situations,in which we need to choose.It may be any situation,any circumstance,where life would ask us to take one way or the other.But we,the greedy humans,either we want to take all options,or the one which seems the most gainful.But wait a moment,it is not wrong to choose what you think is the best for you,is it ? No.But,we certainly need to check the scales we measure our gains in.

A lot of times,we choose the option that could possibly yield us more monetary profit than the another.Like,for example,most Indian parents force their kids to take up careers which they want them to,because they think their kids cannot make the right choices.Also,in situation like,two different job offers,people mostly choose the one with the higher package.Or such as in relationships,people would like to choose a balanced partner,someone who can provide security in all ways.But is choosing like this,all wrong ? No,not all,but to some extent,yes.

Look,in today's cut throat competition,all wants to be on the top.And to reach up there,a lot of hard work is required.And with a lot of hard-work,comes the extra required usage of mind.And that's where the problem starts.People with minds,think that by choosing the career of the kid,they're giving the kid a boon.But people often forget that,career is something with which a person has to live for life.So let the kid decide,what he/she wants to do in life.So what if they will make a little less bucks,at-least their heart will be in it.They would be happy.Also,we think that by choosing the job with the higher pay,we've made the right choice.But what we forget is the basic logic,that the job that pays more,will obviously make you work more.And more work means less family,friends,life,love.Can your bank balance justify the innocent,hopeful wait and tears of your mother,because you didn't visit her on last Diwali/Eid/Christmas,because of your work ? Also,we,at this stage of life,are highly capable of deciding with whom we want to spend the rest of it.So,who is it then,the most good-looking,or the most financially secure,or the one with a good future ?Sometimes,people makes the mistake of choosing someone "perfect" for them over the one with whom they are in love with.Choosing a partner for life,on other than a reason based on love,would always be the wrong choice.

We have entered into an era,where the mind mostly takes over the heart.The mind always hushes the voice of the heart,which is almost like a whisper.Emotions,relationships,softness,gentleness,understanding,love,life,happiness,priorities,all have taken a back seat,We've started making the "most profitable choices" in life,about everything. We've started to measure in gains or loss.We always think about the profit and loss,pros and cons related to our choices,and not about how much sadness or happiness it will bring.Ever asked yourself in a middle of nowhere,"Is this is the kind if life I really want ?"So,to all the people out there,it's my humble request to all of you,that when there comes a turning point in your life,where you need to choose,take your heart with you too.Ask what it wants,too.Because,your mind can know about everything,except happiness,and your heart is the door to it.Open it,there is a treasure lying there.Take your heart with you when you choose,because that will make all the difference in your world.

                                            " Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
                                                  And sorry I could not travel both
                                                    I took the one less traveled by,
                                                 And that has made all the difference."

                                                                                                -Robert Frost



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