2013-Happy Ending.....!!

2013.The dying year.The year which will never come back.The year which taught you a lot of things.The year which brought new family,friends,love opportunities to you.The year which gave  you set backs,failures,lessons.The year which made you smile,the year which made you cry.The year which gave you success,achievements,happiness.The year which taught you to understand the value of things,and more importantly.......people.The year which made you who you are intended to be.The year which made you strong.The year which proved to be a landmark.The year took you to next level.The year in which you got a year older.12 months.From January to December......the year gave you a lot of memories to be cherished throughout your life.2013 guys.It's leaving.It's going.Celebrate it.bid it good-bye with love.Don't party today for the up coming year.You can do it tomorrow.Party today for 2013.Party because it's 31 December,2013.Party today because it's leaving us forever.Celebrate it because it gave you so much to remember.Celebrate it because it gave you so much to celebrate.Let us look out for a happy ending.OH WAIT.LET US MAKE IT A HAPPY ENDING GUYS. :)

               "Wishing everyone a happy,healthy,successful,loving and prosperous new                                                                    year.Enjoy.Party.Celebrate.:) "


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