Time Travel...? A Good Question...For Some Good Answers..!!

Someone asked me "What do you think about love..??".I smiled and closed my eyes for a moment.YOU.I saw you.I saw the time we first met and talked.I saw the times when i was with you.I saw the times when you just looked into my eyes,so deeply.I remembered the times when you sang my name,i saw the times you held my hand.I saw the times you pulled me closer.I saw the times when you tried to convince me.I saw the times when you ignored me and were rude to me.I remembered  the time when you just came and stood by my side.I remembered the thousand times when you and me,we were just looking at each other,eyes to eyes,no need of words.I remembered the times,when silence was so golden with you.I remembered the times, when we just fought and acted like we don't care for each other.I remembered the times......when you made me felt so safe,special and complete...in an all different way....way that couldn't be described.I remembered..........

Someone shook me,and I,I came back to reality.Yes reality,in which you don't belong.Or else I wouldn't have been dependent on thousands of our memories,which you and me,created together.If you would have been in my reality,we would have made new moments & memories.For me,love and memories means all the moments we have spent together,all the moments which have you in it.For me love means all the times I think about you and smile to myself,just because you're still a part of my soul,and I...I fall in love with you again.For me love means you,it always have,it always will.

I smiled to that someone and said.."I don't think about love.....it's not a emotion you should think about.I live it....it's everywhere,in and around me.It's a way of life.And i think,you should do that too...!!" :) 


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