The World Of An Introvert !

At the young age of twenty three, I feel very proud and content in telling the world that I'm an introvert, because after years of understanding, I've came to accept the fact that this is how I work. But what about those people, who're older or younger than me, are an introvert, and live all their lives believing something is wrong with them ? Why being an introvert is considered strange, almost like a disease ?  Why only those people are famous and considered cool who are extroverts, whereas the introverts are labelled as shy, boring, strange, depressed or quiet ?

I cannot count the number of close people I've lost in my life, not because I didn't cared about them, but because I cared for them differently. Introverts aren't the kind of people who really enjoy being outdoors too much, or with too many people. Introverts aren't the kind of people who look forward to going in crowded places full of strangers, or dancing madly to loud music. Introverts aren't the kind of people who would do something just because they're good at it without really wanting to do it. Introverts are just people who live inside of themselves, and the world around them, especially the people and the noises are just a distraction to them. They're not necessarily shy or in-confident about themselves. They're just very choosy. They won't just try something out of an adventure if they don't really feel like doing it, and they're quite content in not doing something. Often, extroverts believe that introverts are missing out something by not trying new things, but they don't realize that introverts also have experiences and adventures and stories very peculiar to them.

In all my researches, there is this funny myth I've came across : people think that all introverts are over-thinkers, sensitive, anti-social,depressed people who like to be in a dark dungeon all the time. Few days back, one of my very close friend cracked a joke about being surprised because I was outside. What he didn't know that I go out as much he do, I love sun and air, and nature, but just because I haven't really gone out with him from quite sometime, or because I don't go to the malls and shopping as much, he concluded I live inside my house all day, everyday. Introverts go out all the time, but the places they visit are different, I literally ride my vehicle across the entire city, shopping petty pretty things, talking to strangers, laughing with kids, listening to music, walking on roads all by myself. Extroverts  cannot understand the idea of having fun with oneself, whereas, introverts have mastered this art.

People quite often try to "fix" introverts, as if they're broken. When an introvert is not talking, or is behaving differently, they're not in a problem. You cannot help them by taking them out to a movie, which works for an extrovert. When an introvert feels odd, they need themselves to feel better, they go in their shell of thoughts, and they work quietly on whatever is bothering them, because they know that they need to be in tune with themselves. Introverts do not meet people to feel better, they meet people when they feel better. Until and unless they're quite poised and calm about their own self, they cannot go and meet someone, no matter how close that person is. On the contrary, an extrovert, when he or she doesn't feel good, they have this strong urge to go out to feel better.

Introverts are people who are over thinkers, and feel very deeply. They're much in control of their emotions, and therefore their emotional quotient is quite very high. But because they feel too deeply, their emotions are mostly in the extreme ends. Either they love too much, or not at all. They get hurt quite easily on things which would seem just a normal thing to someone else. Introverts can count their people on fingers, and God forbid if one of them had hurt an introvert, all hell will break loose. Introverts value relationships much more intensely, and that is why they try harder than others to keep them intact, because they know that they don't have the energy of reestablishing that kind of bond again with someone else. But when such a close person have pained them too much, introverts shut that person out, no matter what, to protect themselves from any further damage. Their closest people are their biggest threats.

So how do one really deal with an introvert ? Well, for starters, you need to be very patient and caring towards them. It's not like that you cannot be angry or argue with them, but be as compassionate as you can be, because there is a high possibility that you'll say something and forget it, but they won't, they would think about your words too much. Also, don't push them into doing something, especially socializing too much. They'll socialize when they would really feel like,but if you want them to do something social, persuade them gently, and they'll not say no. Remember they're not students who need to learn how to live your way, they don't reply to orders, but they'll never ignore the language of genuine love. Indulge them into long, deep one-on-one conversations. Introverts have this unique bond with every close person in their life, and they really appreciate personal conversations and not group conversations. NEVER doubt their skills. They could be anything they want, but generally most introverts have an artistic side to them like writing, painting, music etc. Motivate them to open up to you, listen to whatever they're saying, this is the biggest gift you can ever give them, because if they feel unheard by their special people, they would slowly start losing interest in them. Also, if you're only listening, they would feel like they're talking to walls, which would also send them back into their own worlds. Introverts like conversations with the people they love, they love to learn and teach new things from/to these people. Also introverts are great observers, because they talk less, they see and observe more, and based on their observations, they choose their people. And believe it or not, they're very choosy about the people they talk to, so if you're one of them, consider yourself very special.

Introverts are just deep, mysterious worlds waiting to be discovered, just like interesting books waiting to be read. Once you're lucky enough to enter their worlds, and patient enough to understand them, you'll marvel how amazing, talkative and fun they really can be. They can be your best friend, your lover, your better half, your inspiration, your life changer, your motivator, your listener, or even all of them. They'll value you like a gem, and you'll have their undivided attention, because they genuinely want to spend their time with you. They're just like the hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. They're just like the deep oceans waiting to be explored. And all the introverts out there.... cheers to you. Just do what you want, be what you want, and if anyone makes you believe that there is something wrong with you for not doing what everyone else is doing, then darling you need better company !

         "I'm kind of an introverted person just by nature; it's not like a conscious
           choice that I'm making necessarily. It's genuinely who I'm.
           Coming to realize that about myself was very empowering, because I had
           felt like there must be something wrong with me, because I don't want to
           go out and do want all my friends want to do."

                                                                               - Emma Watson 


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