Love Will Find It's Way...!!

Each and everyone of us have that little part inside us that yearns for being wanted,needed and most importantly,being loved.We all want that someone special,for whom we mean the world.Deep down,everyone wants to experience the feeling we read about in all love stories,or watch in those "ULTRA-ROMANTIC" movies.
A lot of people on earth,falls in love with a lot of people they meet on earth.But the rarest of the rare ones,falls in love with someone,and that too for forever.Some of the lucky ones get married,some less lucky ones come in a relationship,and spend at-least some years of their life with each other.But sometimes,there are certain people,whose love remains unsaid,unheard.....but not totally unnoticed and in-reciprocated.And this type of the love is the most truest and purest of all.You know why..? Because such lovers always love that person without any expectation.That person becomes a certain part of their identity.I think,such kind of is the most powerful of all,the most simply feel someone in your soul,just like god...isn't it.

In love it is possible for the intensity to last,especially when things are left unsaid or undone,although it may seem unrealistic to some,for those who's heart and souls have been touched by this kind of love,such love will always burn in their minds,heart and soul.There is a point to it,When we love someone,we get into a relationship,and it either works or not.Both ways we have our answer.But on the other hand,when we do not tell that person,or that person does not tell us,or both don't tell each other,the unasked questions always remain unanswered.And we all often,think about that one particular person,no matter how many years have passed,that just never fades away.Does it...!!

So if you really-really love someone like that,truly,madly,deeply......just go and tell.Life was messy,always had been and always will be,and that was just the way it was,so why complain..?you either did something about it or you didn't. And then you lived with the choice you made.So go.......go and tell him/her that you love them.Tell them you chose them over millions of people,and will chose again over millions if given a chance.

And to those people who fell in such kind of rarest love....and lost it,but still in love with that person...,what are you waiting for...? no matter how many years have passe,do you still feel them in just go..and find them.Come on,world is a small place,you go and find your love.If you still love that person,there has to be a link,right...?So at-least try to connect that link,once again,or at-least once.Leave rest to god and destiny.

"TRUE LOVE IS RARE,AND IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT GIVES THE LIFE REAL run now.....tell them you love them.....since today....or ten years back......because if it's meant to be and is true.......Love Will Find It's Way....!! :)  


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