Why should you read books?

The year 2009 :

I had a crush on a classmate. Figured out one of our common interest was reading. Started discussing books and stories with him. Those lovely chats about the characters and plots.

Ahh, the good old days!

Who came to my rescue?

The books ❤️

The Year 2012

I had my first heartbreak. I used to cry for hours listening to sad songs. I used to dislike everything. I was lonely and depressed. There was no one with whom I could have shared my sorrows without being laughed at.

So I just turned to books.

I read them. I read many of them.

Lost in the fantasy and fictional worlds, feeling the warmth of emotions in my heart and a smile on my lips, I recovered in a couple of years.

Who came to my rescue?

The books ❤️

I desired to be a writer and author. But I did not know how to write, forget about writing a whole book of 50000 words. And there wasn't anyone in my circle who was into writing to whom I can turn to for guidance.

Then I again turned to books. Read a few books on writing. Again re-read the novels and studied their plots and characterization and story development from point A to B. Learned about the usage of language.

Today I am a writer and author, writing across several platforms for several people. Today I am teaching aspiring writers and authors how to write. Get collaborations from prestigious institutes. My first book has 70–75 reviews on Amazon with 4.6 stars rating. I am earning my livelihood from the very same skill.

Who made me?

The books ❤️

Feeling sad - read a book - will subside your sadness.

Feeling happy - read a book - will enhance your happiness.

Feeling confused - read a book - will increase your wiseness.

Feeling shy - read a book - will add on your knowledge and confidence.

Feeling heartbreak - read a book - will open your heart for healing.

Feeling down - read a book - will give you a new warmth for life.

Feeling stuck - read a book - will give new perspective to your creativity.

Feeling unpolished - read a book - will polish your skills like language.

I hope by now you're convinced that reading books will bring lots of positive changes in your life.

Books are the best friends a human can have.

No expectations, no demands, no tantrums, no fights, no mood swings.

Only companionship, creativity, lots of knowledge and new perspectives about the world.

❤️ for books.


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