Neither In The White....Nor In The Black....It's All In The Grey...!!

More than half of everyone's life problems is because of the extremes.People either look in the extreme white.....or in the extreme black of any situation,circumstance,person,etc.And it's because of this nature,alot of problems arises.We all have seen people taking extreme decisions because of this attitude in life.One of the major example of it is the suicidal nature.In today's world,we people think less and react more.For example,one of the famous situation "Water glass,half filled-half empty-which one will you choose"...once used to have a positive answer..."choose the half filled one-because something is better than than nothing"....but today,i'm sure you will find a lot of people who will be "i will only accept a glass which is filled till the top....or i will not touch the glass at all" types. A lot of opportunities are missed because of this attitude,if you observe closely,because this attitude kills the feeling of sacrifice and compromise at some points in life,points which we all face.We all sometimes have to sacrifice one thing for the another,and this perception view,only takes the big picture,small pictures don't exist in this perception view. Isn't it..?

We all live in the same world,and it is the attitude of people all around the world.You,me,we all show such kind of behavior at some or the other point in life.It's human if you do this,but only once in a long period of time.But when this behavior becomes a habit,it's dangerous.Don't live in the extremes.Sometimes you talk so much,that it is difficult to bear,and sometimes you don't talk at all.For 10 days you go gym,and exercise like a wwf champion,for the rest 355 days,you don't go to gym at all.When you love someone,you love like anything,and when you don't,you directly go to the hate mode.when you study/work,you do for straight 15 hours,and when you don't,then ,well,you don't.When you don't want something,you simply don't want it,but when you do,there is nothing else that matters more in life.When you are optimistic,you think that you can do everything,and when you are pessimistic,you feel you cannot do anything.That's the white and the black part.You need to see and live in the grey part of life,as much as possible..which is "i know that i cannot do everything,but i also know that at-least i could do something,which is definitely better than nothing".
Life is all in understanding between the the Everything "WHITE"......Nothing "BLACK" and something "GREY".And believe it or not........LIFE IS NEITHER IN THE WHITE......NOR IN THE BLACK......IT'S ALL IN THE GREY...!! :)       


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