Don't Take Life Too Seriously...!!
Everyday we meet so many people,that we can't even remember all of them.They are all so different,yet same to each other in some ways.Have you ever noticed one thing,about them or for that matter even yourself,whenever we talk to each other or ourselves,90% of the time the subject matter is about our various types of problems.Problems about health,wealth,life,love,family,career,office,and god knows what not...!Whenever i meet someone like that....I don't literally see that person,what I really see is.....the most unfortunate person of the entire universe,who is a porter, and somehow god has burdened him/her with the entire luggage of worries and problems and depression of the entire human kind......and that's why everyone else in the world appears extremely happy and carefree to such person,because he/she enviously thinks that they are carrying other's portion of problems too...!! What a waste...!! Dear people,no matter where you go........from the poorest to the riche...