The Story Of Shadow..!!
"Your own shadow leaves you in darkness",a saying we all have heard.It basically means,when the hard time comes,even a part of you abandons you,leave alone other people,whom you see up to for help.But what i was wondering is......does really our own shadow leaves us in darkness ?.Obviously,in a way it does,but does it really leaves us..? Therefore,i did a little experiment,you can try it too,if you want to.I went into a room with a torch.I switched off the torch and bingo,my shadow "LEFT" me.Then i switched on the torch,and shadow "RETURNED".I repeated the experiment a few times.....and finally i had my answer. When there was light,i could see the shadow,and when there was darkness,i could not....and that was my answer.Yes people,YOUR SHADOW DOES NOT LEAVE YOU IN DARKNESS,IT NEVER DOES.IT'S THE DARKNESS THAT MAKES YOU INCAPABLE OF SEEING IT.IT'S ABOUT YOUR PERCEPTION.IT'S ABOUT YOU,NOT YOUR SHADOW.your shadow is always there,it depe...