
Showing posts from September, 2013

The Story Of Shadow..!!

"Your own shadow leaves you in darkness",a saying we all have heard.It basically means,when the hard time comes,even a part of you abandons you,leave alone other people,whom you see up to for help.But what i was wondering is......does really our own shadow leaves us in darkness ?.Obviously,in a way it does,but does it really leaves us..? Therefore,i did a little experiment,you can try it too,if you want to.I went into a room with a torch.I switched off the torch and bingo,my shadow "LEFT" me.Then i switched on the torch,and shadow "RETURNED".I repeated the experiment a few times.....and finally i had my answer. When there was light,i could see the shadow,and when there was darkness,i could not....and that was my answer.Yes people,YOUR SHADOW DOES NOT LEAVE YOU IN DARKNESS,IT NEVER DOES.IT'S THE DARKNESS THAT MAKES YOU INCAPABLE OF SEEING IT.IT'S ABOUT YOUR PERCEPTION.IT'S ABOUT YOU,NOT YOUR SHADOW.your shadow is always there,it depe...

Neither In The White....Nor In The Black....It's All In The Grey...!!

More than half of everyone's life problems is because of the extremes.People either look in the extreme white.....or in the extreme black of any situation,circumstance,person,etc.And it's because of this nature,alot of problems arises.We all have seen people taking extreme decisions because of this attitude in life.One of the major example of it is the suicidal nature.In today's world,we people think less and react more.For example,one of the famous situation "Water glass,half filled-half empty-which one will you choose"...once used to have a positive answer..."choose the half filled one-because something is better than than nothing"....but today,i'm sure you will find a lot of people who will be "i will only accept a glass which is filled till the top....or i will not touch the glass at all" types. A lot of opportunities are missed because of this attitude,if you observe closely,because this attitude kills the feeling of sacrifice and com...

What I Feel For You, Is For ....Forever....!!

                                                       "If i am ever not there                                           Just close your eyes and say my name,                                                      And i promise you my love                                                    we will soon be together again.                                                 ...

Everyday Is A Valentine's Day.....!!

If you will ask about me,I would love to tell you that I am love-o-holic. And I'm pretty much sure,there are a lot of people out there,like me.Totally drowned either in the theme of love,or in someone's love.LOVE.Seriously....there is no such emotion I have read as much about I have read about this word.Every other book,every other song describes it.Still it is said,there is not enough love in the world.I don't see a lot of movies,books,paintings,songs,describing emotions such as anger,frustration,sadness,hopelessness,,,etc,etc,etc.Do you...?.Obviously there are some exceptions,but I think we all will agree that love IS the most practiced emotion.Love,is said to be the most beautiful feeling,power on earth.And those who have been in love....knows,that it is indeed right.Therefore,so as to give some more special-ness to this already special feeling,we all celebrate valentine's day,around the globe.Valentine's day....the day,on which if you step outside,you literally...

Be A Dreamer,Be An Inspiration....!!

Dreams...!! We all see them.Sometimes with eyes closed,and sometimes,with wide open eyes.The latter is often termed as "daydreaming".But we all see them,anyway,Don't we.?But do you know what i always think about dreams? I think what do they mean,I think why i see the dreams that i see,I think,what if someone else is having the exact same dreams as i have? Yes I think alot about dreams.And i know,somewhere deep down,you all think the same.Dreams are a very complicated field of thinking,you could think any thing about them...right..? I would simply share some of my different and unrelated weird views about dreams....some questions.....some answers...!! But apart from all the things,there is this one question which stands out" What determines our dreams..?".Firstly,lets simply talk about the dreams we see when we are awake,dreams that are our aim,dreams which we want to accomplish.Some people dream of money,some of fame,some of knowledge,some of love,some of peace...

Wise Words...!!

                                      "Your Real Success Lies In the Fact Of Working Hard,                                                 For Who You Want To Be In Future,                                              With Celebrating Who You Presently Are,                                           And Always Remembering In Your Heart,                                                 Who You Once Were In The Past..........." :)

Profession Vs Passion....!!

We are all so creative when we are children,may be because we have all the time in the world,or may be because we are so curious about everything,that we need to do something or the other.We don't really care that whether what we are doing even makes any sense or not,what as children we know is about,we have to do something or the other.Remember that stupid painting,or that meaningless poem,or that out of tune song.....but as children we were so proud of doing all that.But then slowly,we all grew up.We stopped playing,inventing,questioning.Arts such as reading,writing,painting,music,singing,dancing.....became just a time pass,or a matter of past.We became educated,practical,internet wizard,classy, called "GROWN UP'S".We all became serious towards life,and started running toward's our goal.We started our profession............but left our passion....right..? So many people around the world,are living their lives,so like a machine will.They g...

That Game Is Called Love..!!

                                    "Sometimes you play a game,                                     Even when you know you're gonna lose.                                     Or sometimes you leave a game,                                     Even when you know you can win....."                                                                                       -From Prada To Nada   

Past...Present ....Future....!!!

                                                          "If Someone In Your Life                                                        Makes You Forget Your Past                                                            Then That Someone Is                                                             Probably Your Future                         ...

Don't Try To Satisfy Everyone...!! Neither You Could,Nor You Should..!!

Once there was a man,who sold fishes.His shop board was named.."Fresh Fish Sold Here".One fine day,a young man came to his shop.The shopkeeper thought he was a customer.But to his surprise,the man indeed posed a question towards him.Shopkeeper,being polite,asked him to go ahead.The man asked.."why you have written..Fresh Fish Sold Here..everyone has eyes to see that fish are being sold here,and not anywhere else..?",and without waiting for an answer,left.The shopkeeper on the other hand,was completely in awe for what have just happened.But then he realized,the man was quite right,so he deleted the word "here".Another day,another man came to his shop.Again this man was not interested in buying a fish,so he directly asked the customer.."Sir,why does your board says,that Fresh Fish Sold...? Everyone knows that these fish are fresh,so why are you stating the obvious..?".The shopkeeper,in a perplexed situation,deleted the word fresh too.Some days pas...