Start Accepting Control Expecting
As humans,we all have a tendency of being hopeful for our things to happen.We often live our whole life in expectations . Expectations from ourselves of achieving our ambitions, expectations from others to act in a certain way we want them to,expectations from external happenings to turn out the way we imagined.As humans,we want to have everything our way,so we keep on expecting things and as a result,keep on hurting ourselves when our expectations don't get fulfiled,which is more likely to happen in the world we live in.
The ocean of our expectations is vast . Profession,grades,relationships,people,places,dreams,we expect so much from so many aspects of our life.We even expect so much from a single day that sometimes we just base the beauty of the day on the outcomes of our expectations. If we did achieve what we had expected,then it was beautiful,and if we didn't,the day was plainly sadistic. Same is the case when it comes to people.In relationships,people sometimes ought to expect too much from the other person,and when their better half fails to meet upto such expectations,relationships break and fall apart.Just likely,over expectations will always do more of harm than good.
Expectations are normal and good,and are sometimes synonym to hope for some,but only upto a point they are kept in check and limit,only upto a level they remain believable and real and not imaginary,and exceeds the level.Anything that goes beyond it's limit,is excessive,and excessive of anything is dangerous. Expectations beyond their permissible boundaries becomes a burden,both on person who carries it,and the one for whom it is carried.
It's not like that we need to give up all our expectations,because they're necessary too.But we do need to control them. How ? By accepting.We sometimes need to accept whatever that is happening around us,is probably for good.We always don't need to have a fighter's attitude,sometimes we need to accept certain results,even if we don't like them with our open arms too.We need to know that sometimes what we expect to happen is illogical and acceptance is the best way out,if we want to avoid pain.Sometimes we need to acknowledge that acceptance is not a defeat,but strength of looking forward to something new.Acceptance is an attitude,probably an antidote for our sky-high expectations,and we need to introduce it in our veins. All of us.
Expectation is like a fuel,working and pushing us to move forward,burning us to achieve and accomplish our dreams,and making us work day and night and again and again.But acceptance is like cool water,relieving us when we burn too much,work too much and push too much under our expectations. Acceptance teaches us that sometimes,somethings,some people are just not meant to be and it's best to let them be and invest your energies and time in something new.
Expectations and acceptance are two traits that need to go hand in hand.If any one of them over-powers the another,you will have to pay the price.Both are extremely important in decision making and therefore you need to measure and balance them equally. Because both have the power of either constructing you,or destructing you,and at the end of the day,it is you who knows what have to be done.
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