Embrace Your Failures..!!

When someone asks me what is my biggest acheivement in life,I really don't have to think for an answer."My failures", comes the prompt reply.The questioner, obviously, doesn't get my answer."How ?" comes another query."Because, if today I am standing strongly by myself, that's because I fell numerous times yesterday."

Failures are the stepping stone to success.We've all learnt it when we were children, and we even used to learn it very enthusiastically, probably because we didn't knew what failures really means.But as we grow up, we start facing failures.Sometimes we fail in an examination, sometimes we fail in a relationship. Sometimes our career gives us a bumpy ride, sometimes our health is stooping low.Even failing in being happy is a failure.Failures, failures everywhere.But you know what is the worst kind of failure ? Failing to accept a failure is the worst kind of failure.Failing to learn from a failure is the biggest failure.

Failures are inevitable.Failures are universal.So why detest something that you can't escape ? Yes, you failed an examination. So what ? Learn from it.See what you did wrong.Take someone's help if needed.Yes, I know you worked very hard for that deal, but even then it didn't work out.But, did you try to really find out why ? The problem is,that we, people, have a tendency to mourn after the things  and opportunities we lose.But we don't have the guts to find out  why.Why we fail ? Do we deserve that failure ? we don't make efforts in that direction. Because we're afraid that what if we find out that we really did deserve it.What if we found out that we didn't worked hard enough  for success.How we will deal  that we lacked what was necessary for success.We don't want to be the cause of our failure, so lets assume failure happened by itself and hence just blame failure for it.Let's just stay in darkness and hate the failure's ghost, without turning  on the light of reality.

I am not saying that everyone who is hit by a failure deserves it.A lot of people don't deserve it.But it happens, and  we cannot run away from it.And when something happens,  and we cannot step down,we've to face it, deal with it.And while we're dealing with failures, we eventually start learning from them.Even when you didn't deserve it, you will learn from it.And that lesson, my friend, is going to take you to a greater success.

Yes, it's true that one shouldn't  flaunt his or her failures. Don't be chirpy about them.Don't rejoice them.But yes, also, you don't need to be ashamed, embarrassed or depressed about them.Endure them as that high school teacher who used to punish you, scold you everyday.But when you met them after years, you had that respect and gratitude for them.Because they played a part in making you what you are.Failures are not your enemies, they could be your golden chance, of sculpting yourself into a better person.So don't lose hope, stand straight with your head held high,embrace your failures, learn from them,strive again,and leave a mark.Success would be all yours.For failures, are just a blessing in disguise.

    "Failure should be our teacher,       not our undertaker.Failure is delay,     not  defeat.It is a temporary detour, not a dead end.Failure is something we can avoid only  by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing."
                             -Denis Waitley


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